The WELCOM Community Forum is an independent non political voluntary group made up of representatives from the local community including residents, schools, local businesses, voluntary, community and faith groups. The WELCOM Forum covers the areas of East & West Tilbury and Linford – all of the Council’s East Tilbury Ward.

We are an entirely voluntary group, we rely on donations and fund raising events, and with this money we can fund small scale initiatives that help the local community in some way.

Our meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of each month at Linford Methodist Church. There are no elections to the forum, anyone can come along to the meetings, it’s just a group of people from all walks of life and every part of the area who have the interests of the community at heart. The monthly meetings are also regularly attended by local councillors, the police and other agencies, and we quite often have guest speakers from the Council and other local organisations. This is a two way conversation, local people can raise issues and concerns and the agencies can involve forums in consultation and information sharing.

You can see minutes of all our previous meetings on the Minutes page. 

If you want to contact the Forum about anything to do with our neighbourhood, email